A brief prensentation of Invest in Coastal Denmark - an initiative by Dansk Kyst- og Naturturisme ai…
The rapport covers statistics of overnight stay up to and including December 2024 which is provided …
The Development Plan of the West Coast of Denmark aims to establish common ambitions and principles …
The development plan for Funen and the Islands sets the direction for an ambitious and sustainable d…
The development plan for Zealand and the islands is the joint plan for an ambitious, long-termed dev…
The development plan is devised from the vision of Bornholm as a year-round, sustainable and preferr…
The two holiday towns Blokhus og Løkken ooze of classsic Danish coastal holiday. These areas are che…
With the right strategic planning, as outlined in the strategic-physical development plan for Thy…
The strategic-physical development plan for Søndervig has roots in the joint development plan for th…
The strategic-physical development plan for Hvide Sande has roots in the joint development plan for …
The strategic-physical development plan for the two coastal towns Klitmøller and Vorupør has roots i…
The development plan for Fanø will enter into the strategy of Destination Vesterhavskysten that seek…
The big 'Development Plan for Zealand and the islands - a joint ambition for the tourism towards 202…
The development plan for Hundested outlines a number of new urban spaces, which builds on the coasta…
'The Development and Potential Plan for Møn' describes Møn as a turist destination while defining th…
The development plan for Lolland's South Coast sets the ambition for where work can be done for a si…
Guldborgsund Municipality wants to build on the positive development of Marielyst and thereby stregt…
Sustainability has a growing importance as a parameter when guests choose between accomodation offe…
Image and potential analysis for market Denmark 2023 examines Danes' holiday behavior and holiday ex…
Outlining the analytical framework for the Danish West Coast Development Plan 2025.
The report ser…
A new set of regulations for camp and caravan sites was issued in March 2019 including new opportuni…
A feasibility-study by Dansk Kyst- og Naturturisme on the business potential of establishing new bed…
This report focuses on coastal tourism in Denmark - defined as tourism outside of the four largest c…
Key figures for Danish tourism across the three business areas: coastal, city and meetings outlining…
Dansk Kyst- og Naturturisme launched the action plan VISION VIEW VIGILANCE in April 2022. The ambiti…
The action plan for outdoor tourism in Denmark 2020-2022 is a result of a working relationship betwe…
Destination Kystlandet is a young outdoor-destination, where the commercial potentials are under dev…